Thursday, July 29, 2021

11 Thieves Swarm Louis Vuitton Store

 $100, 000 stolen 😠😲😳😠  by a gang of 11. This may be old news from last month, but the Robbers have not yet been caught. Find, or please turn-in these LV THIEVEs before they strike again !!!


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Pet Adoption

 This is Prancer, but you may know him better as “the vessel for a traumatized Victorian child.” He went viral earlier this month when his foster parent posted a brutally honest adoption ad for him. Well, we are excited to share it worked! Prancer was adopted last week and is settling nicely in his forever home: one without men, children, or anything else he can’t h*ckin stand. 14/10 congratulations buddy ❤️ (follow @prancerthechihuahua) -- IG: We Rate Dogs

🐾He protecc, he attacc, if the adoptees are men, pets, or children, they better take him bacc! 😂


A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: 
but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
