To take a designer bag on a long flight to my sister's destination wedding in Hawaii or no, was the question. My classic BV Veneta bag eventually won out over my other designer bags. It has no logos that would attract undue attention, hangs well from my shoulder, and remains beautiful in spite of having to stay crunched-up in my luggage for many hours. I also brought my vintage Marshall Field's snakeskin clutch bag, Kate Spade sparkler GIA clutch bag, and Michael Kors cross-body nylon bag. My carry-on shoulder bag was by Rio and made of nylon (thank God for that 'coz it spent time by my feet on the plane's floor). My colorful and pretty Vera Bradley's Weekender bag in Lilli Belle went into the overhead compartment. My trusty luggage was by Atlantic.
Waiting at the Honolulu Museum of Art |
Thank God this weekender is washable! |
sparkler GIA clutch |
My Bottega Veneta at our Hale Koa Hotel balcony