Btw, I just wanted to say I love your blog. It's convenient especially for newbie Chanel lovers like myself to see the different bags out there all in one place.
Hello. Thanks for enjoying my blog. Someday, Lord willing, I will have more time to spend on it and be able to answer any and all questions concerning my fave brand, Chanel. Today, however, all I can tell you is that I do not know the color. Keep in mind that Chanel is notorious for misnaming their colors. Please contact the SA, Laura 503.224.6666 for the info. You can refer her to this page or email the link. Cheers.
The color is likely to be seasonal, though the style is classic. Haven't seen it in person, but it looks more than a tad different from a GST (based on my own GST).
I really like this bag. Do you know if the color supposed to be gray or light blue?
ReplyDeleteBtw, I just wanted to say I love your blog. It's convenient especially for newbie Chanel lovers like myself to see the different bags out there all in one place.
ReplyDeleteHello. Thanks for enjoying my blog. Someday, Lord willing, I will have more time to spend on it and be able to answer any and all questions concerning my fave brand, Chanel. Today, however, all I can tell you is that I do not know the color. Keep in mind that Chanel is notorious for misnaming their colors.
ReplyDeletePlease contact the SA, Laura 503.224.6666 for the info. You can refer her to this page or email the link. Cheers.
hmmm this looks a tad bit different than the usual GST? Is this the classic bag or is it a seasonal bag?
ReplyDeleteThe color is likely to be seasonal, though the style is classic. Haven't seen it in person, but it looks more than a tad different from a GST (based on my own GST).
ReplyDeleteAnyone else can chime in if I'm wrong.