Thursday, July 29, 2021

11 Thieves Swarm Louis Vuitton Store

 $100, 000 stolen 😠😲😳😠  by a gang of 11. This may be old news from last month, but the Robbers have not yet been caught. Find, or please turn-in these LV THIEVEs before they strike again !!!


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Pet Adoption

 This is Prancer, but you may know him better as “the vessel for a traumatized Victorian child.” He went viral earlier this month when his foster parent posted a brutally honest adoption ad for him. Well, we are excited to share it worked! Prancer was adopted last week and is settling nicely in his forever home: one without men, children, or anything else he can’t h*ckin stand. 14/10 congratulations buddy ❤️ (follow @prancerthechihuahua) -- IG: We Rate Dogs

🐾He protecc, he attacc, if the adoptees are men, pets, or children, they better take him bacc! 😂


A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: 
but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
